Saturday, February 27, 2010


Friday and Saturday were off days for me. It is one of four free weekends. Most of the students went to Barcelona for the weekend. I decided to be a real tourist and wander around Rome with my guide books just by myself. I decided to go into Rome early both days. Most days we do not get into Rome until 11:30 or so. So I got up early and caught the 7:43A train to Rome both days. I had a great time trying out little coffee houses and restaurants. The streets in Rome are very difficult to follow. No real pattern and they don't have perpendicular intersections. So sometimes you wander and end up right back where you started even though you didn't think you were moving in a circle. There is still much to see. There aren't many pictures considering I was walking for two straight days. The door is from a church, loved the skull decoration. The picture of the statue I took because it is San Lorenzo.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

more day five pictures

Hello followers, another picture perfect day in Rome. Had a great class discussion this morning about health care as a right or a privilege. Looking forward to reading the student's blogs when they get to them They are off the Barcelona this weekend. Leaving me to discover more about Rome on my own. I get to play tourist instead of professor for the next three days. I have attached two sets of pictures. The first set is from Santa Maria Maggiore. The second set is from the Baths of Caracalla. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

more day four pictures

see more pictures of the area.

day four in rome

Today was my day off. I did some housekeeping, literally. I did my laundry, cleaned my bathroom, swept and washed my floor. I also used my time to read my students blogs. They are working hard on these. Good. I also used the time to explore the campus here and I went into town twice. Considering this trip is all up hill, twice in one day is a major accomplishment. The second time, I made the students wait and give me a head start because I am so slow! I have included some picture of campus as well as the city of Gandolfo.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

day three in Rome

Today was great. The weather again started out poorly with clouds and wind and rain. But by 10A when we left for Rome, the weather was great. I was outside all day with long sleeves and no jacket. The students have been terrific. Today we took a walking tour of the area around the Spanish Steps. This is the main touristy area in Rome. Many people on the street. The shops here are all the designers: Valentino, Armani, Gucci, etc. We all had a great time window shopping. We split up for awhile and a couple students reporting seeing Prince Harry on the street. This is certainly the area of the city where one would spot royalty or celebrities. I have posted a few pictures, but none of the steps themselves. Partly because it is still winter here, so there are no pretty flowers planted, and the steps look better with flowers. Didn't sleep well last night. Blaming it on the three expresso's. Only had two today. I hope it helps. I never have difficulty falling asleep. Tomorrow is a day off for me. Thursday we travel to the Baths of Caracalla.

Monday, February 22, 2010

pictures from day two

pictures from day two

pictures from day two

Hi Folks, Today we visited the Coliseum and the Forum. It was a little rainy this morning but it cleared up nicely. Had three expresso's today. Might be over doing those. Wow, pretty strong stuff. We had a wonderful tour guide and everyone is learning their way around the transportation system, trains and Metro's. The city is very busy.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

pictures from day one

The first is a picture from our balcony at campus. The other two are pictures of the little town Gandolfo at night.

Arrival in Rome

Well, it is official. I and the students are in Rome. Actually we are staying outside Rome in a little city called Castel Gandolfo. We are all suffering from severe jet lag about now. We just finished lunch, (the food was great) and everyone is going to take a nap before heading into the city of Gandolfo later this afternoon/evening. The sun is shining, the grass is green, and I am walking around outside without a coat. Tomorrow we head into Rome to see the Forum and the Coliseum. Thankfully both have official tour guides and I can play tourist along with the students.