Tuesday, February 23, 2010

day three in Rome

Today was great. The weather again started out poorly with clouds and wind and rain. But by 10A when we left for Rome, the weather was great. I was outside all day with long sleeves and no jacket. The students have been terrific. Today we took a walking tour of the area around the Spanish Steps. This is the main touristy area in Rome. Many people on the street. The shops here are all the designers: Valentino, Armani, Gucci, etc. We all had a great time window shopping. We split up for awhile and a couple students reporting seeing Prince Harry on the street. This is certainly the area of the city where one would spot royalty or celebrities. I have posted a few pictures, but none of the steps themselves. Partly because it is still winter here, so there are no pretty flowers planted, and the steps look better with flowers. Didn't sleep well last night. Blaming it on the three expresso's. Only had two today. I hope it helps. I never have difficulty falling asleep. Tomorrow is a day off for me. Thursday we travel to the Baths of Caracalla.

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