Monday, October 29, 2012

In my excitement to post the last blog, I forgot to fill everyone in on Sunday's activities. I had not intended to go into Rome again on Sunday, but Mike invited me to join him at Sunday mass. They offer mass in English at Santa Susanna's in Rome. This being the only Sunday available to me to attend, I decided to join him. After mass we went in search of more places I had on my Rome "bucket" list. These were places and things that I never had a chance to see two years ago.

Before mass the first stop was the Baths of Diocletian and Santa Marie degli Angeli. Actually the first stop was at Trompetta's for a cappucino and coronoti with cream. We walked past the Moses Fountain. Then on to Santa Maria della Vittoria which contains Bernini's The Ecstasy of St. Theresa. I have seen the sculpture many times but it never ceases to amaze me. The first stop after mass was at the Palazzo Barberini. The Barberini name crops up often in any tour of Rome. But I never had the opportunity to stop and visit the old homestead. Maffei Barberini became Pope Urban VIII. See pictures below of the front and rear entrances of the palazzo.

From there we traveled up via delle Quatro to via Quirinal for Mike to see the Le Quarta Fontane, another Bernini fountain. Actually it is four different fountains on the corners of the intersection of the two streets. From there we traveled down via Quirinal to Sant' Andrea at Quirinale which regretably was closed for noon mass. We continued down via Quirinale to the piazza. Here there is a great fountain with statues and an obelisk. Down through Fontana di Trevi area swarming with tourists.

We were heading to the Temple of Hadrian pictured below.

Somehow I missed this last time. It is literally a 2nd century AD temple flanked by two 17th century buildings. They just sort of built around it.

From there we were able to find Fontanella del Facchino pictured below.
And the Pie di Marmo. A marble foot that is displayed in an alleyway near Piazza della Rotonda. See below.

Our excursion ended at Piazza di Sant Ignazio, Sant Ignazio di Loyola, and Gesu all devoted to the Jesuit priestly order of the Catholic church.
Gesu is pictured above. but it was closed when we arrived. We headed back to Termini to catch the 4:23 train to campus. The train was running late according to the station information. That departure ended up being cancelled altogether and we had to wait for the 6:23. We waited in the train station for two hours and then took the 6:23 back to campus. Hope everyone is enjoying the blog


  1. Bernini's The Ecstasy of St. Theresa amazed me too.

  2. I have never thought about writing a bucket list to you stated that. Probably a good thing that i came up with one
