Friday, October 26, 2012

Today is Friday and we are coming to the close of our first week in Roma. Seven weeks from today we will return. But in the meantime there are more adventures. Today has been a catch up day for me. A chance to get organized for the coming week. We officially term this a free weekend. Many of the students are  traveling, some to Paris, some to Barcelona, and some to Assisi. Assisi is one of my favorites. Amy and I will visit Assisi in November when she comes to visit. I am currently planning my other two free weekends. One will be to Budapest, Hungary. The other is still in the planning stages.

Yesterday we visited the Baths of Caracalla. I have posted some pictures below. A very impressive area. And to think the baths were in operation for 300 years continuously.

The first picture is of the few marble reliefs that remain from 1500 years ago. These reliefs acted as a sort of crown molding which ran around the inside of the structure.

The picture above is a picture of the mosaic floor which once covered the entire surface of the inside of the baths. The tour guide reported it took 10,000 slaves five years to build the baths. the pictures below are intended to reveal the magnitude of the structure.


  1. Always love seeing your pictures! Did I see this?

  2. Professor, I am still wondering who would voluntarily go into the frigidarium! The baths were pretty impressive and very large, though I suppose our gyms today are rather large too! Can't wait to see what next week has in store for us!

  3. The baths were so amazing, you described them very well for me the day before we went and i would say your description was pretty much spot on!

  4. I enjoy reading your blogs, Professor. This tour was great and even though it is hard to imagine what life was like back then, the entire experience of the tour helped me to envision it. I look forward to the upcoming tours of beautiful Italy.
