Wednesday, October 24, 2012

back in Italy

Well, it is over two years later since I last posted on my blog. I thought about creating a new blog, but then just decided to add to my original blog. I am back in Italy, enjoying the food, the wine, and the wonderful Walsh University campus near Castel Gandolfo just outside of Rome. I arrived Sunday October 22, 2012. And was back in Rome on Monday the 23rd. I will be here for eight weeks.

Before I left North Canton and the comfort of my home, my wife and my dogs, my emotions were on a roller coaster. I was initially very excited for the opportunity to return to Rome. As the date of departure grew closer, I became anxious. "Why am I doing this again", I thought to myself. It was a wonderful experience the first time in 2010. Great students and great staff to work with. I also felt as though I was somehow tempting fate by returning. I should just keep the great memories of the first trip and not try and do this again.

I am so glad my wife, Amy, encouraged me to return. I think the encouragement was self-centered, how else could she return to Italy so easily if I did not do this. Now that I am here, I am unsure why I was ever anxious about returning. It is just as I remembered. And I have a wonderful group of students. The group is almost twice as large as the first time I came here. But I am happy each one decided to come. We have already begun to explore Rome together: the Coliseum, Forum, Campo dei Fiori, the Ghetto, and via Gulia, so far. And they are already exploring Rome independently on their free time.

I want to thank everyone at Walsh University who have contributed to making this happen: President Jusseaume, Dr. Doug Palmer, and others. A special shout out to all my friends in the School of Nursing. without their willingness to assume more tasks and responsibilities this would not be possible. The greatest gratitude goes out to my lovely wife Amy. Thank you dear for letting me do this the first time. And thank you for encouraging me to do it again.


  1. I am thrilled you are having a good time. And you know me to well since you saw though my plan to get back to Italy!
    Counting the days till I'm there.

  2. Thanks for posting a comment dear. It helps to know that someone is looking at my blog.
