Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 6, 7, and 8 Florence

We traveled by fast train from Rome to Florence hitting speeds of 250km/hr. Then a wind storm kicked up and we had to slow down and switch over to regular track. this cost us about an hour. The weather in Florence was crazy. Beautiful sunshine and wind enough to blow you over. I for one enjoy the food in Florence. the pastas are still delicious and there is a great selection of grilled meats at the various restaurants. I do not like the fact that everything costs euros. You want to go in a church, that will be six euros. You want to see the David, that will be 15 euros. You want to see the tomb of Galileo, that will be ten euros...etc.

I am used to free rein in the churches in Rome. I get to see the tombs of popes and saints for free. But that is Florence, a city of merchants. I did not take any new pictures. I have reposted some pictures from my past visits to Florence.

I forgot, I did take a few new pictures in Florence. Here are a couple of picturse of the students at dinner together.

And on Sunday morning, Danilo found an American diner restaurant. The students had pancakes and bacon. I had eggs Benedict. Quite a treat.

I also captured the skyline of Florence at night and the cafes on the piazza del Republica

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