Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday March 4 and Thursday March 5

On Wednesday March 4th, the students, Danilo, and I took a bike ride on the old Appian Way, Appia Antica. This has become a tradition with my groups when we study in Rome. Thankfully, I do not have any pictures. It was not a pretty sight to see an old man struggling to maintain his balance on a 2500 year old road. We spent as much time as possible on the grass because the old stone road was threatening to destroy my kidneys.

We biked out from the city gates into the country side. Stopped to have a picnic lunch and then road our bikes back. I think I may have reached the end of my bike riding days. At least bike rides on volcanic cobblestones. Not sure how they ever drove their chariots over this road.

On Thursday March 5th we had class in the morning, our orientation meeting for Florence, and later in the day we went to watch the soccer team. The women's soccer team from Walsh spent their spring break with us in Rome. Danilo was able to arrange a match for them against the Roma U25 team. Regrettably I forgot to take my camera. The weather was awful, cold and windy. We had hot chocolate and huddled under blankets to keep warm. The women did a nice job of holding their own against the Roma team. We were leading at halftime 1-0. But we ended up losing 3-2.

Friday, March 6th we left for Florence.

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