Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Monday March 23

On Monday we had a student led tour of via Giulia and Campo dei Fiori area of Rome and then lunch in the Jewish ghetto. I like this area of Rome a lot. There doesn't seem to be the same concentration of street peddlers with their selfie sticks in this area of Rome. I like visiting San Giovanni dei Florentini; the church of Florence in Rome. The church houses a museum which is not well publicized and includes a sculpture by Michelangelo which it is said he completed at a very young age, perhaps only 14 at the time.

And a bust sculpted by Bernini

The museum curator also wanted to show me the catwalk out to the organ above the church, but I passed on that.
after via Giulia we walked through piazza Farnese to Campo dei Fiori which is always bustling this time of day
also where I spotted this little "weiner" dog

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