Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Monday March 16

Monday the 16th was taken up with a walking tour of the Lateran area of Rome. The area is most famous for the San Giovanni basilica and baptistery.

The church is really quite spectacular. You can gain perspective on the size of the church if you look at the people next to it.After the church we headed over to the sacred steps. the students leading the tour said we didn't have enough time to climb them which was disappointing because I have climbed them on my knees the first two times I came to Rome. The legend has it, these were the steps Jesus took to see Pontius Pilate. Legend also has it that Martin Luther started on his knees and then rose up and walked the rest of the way.
Following the sacred steps we headed over to San Clemente. An interesting church built on top of another church, and built on top a Roman temple. They also did not allow pictures. Regrettably.

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