Monday, December 10, 2012

Also on Wednesday, Mike and I headed to Bar Raponi. My neighbor has been trying to get me to visit her sister-in-law's family bar in Castel Gandolfo. I failed the first time i visited Italy in 2010. but I did not fail this time.

Once we found the bar, trying to explain to someone who doesn't speak English how and why I am there was very difficult. Really, I was there to visit the family of my neighbor's former sister-in-law. I had a hard time explaining it to myself. Thankfully I brought a copy of Rosa's email to my neighbor. The family could read English. Once they figured out that I was there at the request of Rosa Raponi from America, they were beaming. They insisted we take pictures to send back to Rosa. They also insisted that we return again to meet more of the family. Here are the pictures of Mike and I with Rosa's cousin. I think that's who he was. Perhaps more pictures to come next week.

1 comment:

  1. I will have to show Yvonne and Lee, that is so great you got there. Are you going to get Danilo to take you back this week?
