Monday, December 3, 2012

On Monday, November 26th, Alex's birthday, Amy had to fly back to Canton. It was sad to see her leave. The last time I taught in Rome, Amy came over at the end of the semester and we traveled together and returned home together. This was different. Now I was putting her in a taxi for the airport to fly back by herself and I still had another three weeks until I could return home. I didn't much like this arrangement.

But it was the best timing for her work schedule and based on our schedule in Rome. With Thanksgiving holiday, she was able to spend more time here without using vacation days. And while she was here we got to visit Florence with the group and then travel to Tuscany just the two of us. In addition we were able to spend her birthday and our anniversary together. It was perfect timing. But I still didn't like saying goodbye again.

On Monday with the students we took them up into the dome of St. Peters. I should say we pointed to them where to go. I am not crazy about heights. Maybe next time I will make it to the top. They greatly enjoyed the experience. I am glad we were able to arrange this for them.

After the dome visit we took them to the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. The guards in the Sistine Chapel always yell at people who attempt to take pictures. No pictures allowed in the Sistine Chapel. I am pretty positive all my students snuck a picture or two of the ceiling. I am equally impressed that they all accomplished this without once being yelled at by the guards. The guards will too busy yelling at other people to be quiet. And I mean yelling..."silenzio". It always seems so ironic to me, but they see no irony in it. Not sure if Italians understand irony?

Danilo is starting to understand sarcasm and irony, but this is only because he spends most of his time with Americans.

This is the view from the lower level of the dome.

The pictures of the dome from the lower level.

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