Thursday, December 13, 2012

On Saturday December the 8th my plans were to explore the Buda side of the river and to wander in the largest outdoor Christmas market in Europe which is conveniently located across the street from my hotel.

My day started with an exploration of the promenade that runs along the river before I proceeded across to the Buda Castle. Along the river walk they have these great statues. At first I thought they were real people pretending to be statues like in Rome. But no, these were actual statues.

My plan is to proceed across the bridge and climb the hill to Buda Castle. Although there is an incline trolley like Pittsburg. I decided to walk.

Once at the top the views back across the river to Pest side are tremendous.

And once again, I tried my luck at video on my camera.

In addition to the great views, there are other sights on Buda hill itself including St. Mathias church. A neo-gothic church with a colorful tile rook.

Also on the Buda side is the Fisherman's Bastion. An old fortification which reflects the Turkish or Ottoman influence on Budapest.

And now it is time for lunch, two stuffed cabbage rolls later I am heading back to my hotel to warm up before heading back out to the market place.

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