Monday, December 3, 2012

Friday November 30th we depart campus for Sorrento. This trip requires a lot of trains and time in train stations. We leave campus at 7:15 to catch the 7:40 train from Viletta to Roma Termini. Once in Rome we have to find our platform for the fast train to Naples. The fast train to Naples is delayed. Of course. The train ride to Naples is one hour 10 minutes and we achieve speeds of 300km/hr. Normally once we reach Naples we have to take another train to Sorrento. However, this particular train is not running due to some workers' strike.

Danilo is able find a regional train that will take is fairly close to Sorrento. From there he is able to arrange for three vans to pick us up and transfer us to our hotel. We arrive approximately two and a half hours later than planned. And of course it has rained continuously throughout. We are tired and hungry, so we head to the restaurant to eat saltinboccas (sp). This is a sandwich made with pizza dough with different items between the pizza layers. Sort of like a calzone but much thinner.

Saturday we head to Pompeii to have a guided tour of the excavations. I greatly enjoyed the last time I was here. The weather this time is not cooperating. the excavation is flooding and we are getting soaked even with rain coats and umbrellas. Thankfully I remembered to wear the boots I brought for Venice. I think we had higher water in Pompeii than we had in Venice.

Sorrento is fully decorated for the Christmas holiday.

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