Monday, December 3, 2012

On Saturday November 24th I was awakened in the hotel in Montepulciano by the sunrise coming into our hotel room. See below.

You can still see all the fog below us. The other hill top towns in the region look like islands in the sea of fog. After a great breakfast in the hotel, Amy and I explored the city. Which in Montepulciano means exploring the wine tasting rooms. There are over 100 wineries in Montepulciano. And of course, my wife cannot just taste the wine without buying a bottle from the winery. Thank goodness we did not stay past 1P, and we only had time for six wineries.

The city of Montepulciano was very peaceful and scenic. Besides the wineries, I wouldn't mind spending more time there just "chillin out" as Danilo would say. Below are some random pictures taken in the city.

The next picture was taken at the entrance to the city from below looking back at the city.

The next picture is of the main church in the Grande Piazza in Montepulciano. They never finished the outside of it. I think they intended to make it pretty at some point, and maybe still do plan to do so. Some things just take longer to complete in Italy.

At 1p we left Montepulciano for Assisi. We hired a driver so we could stop when we wanted and enjoy the scenery. However, we were unprepared for the fog. It was still very intense. From the moment we left Montepulciano, one couldn't see the side of the road, let alone any scenery.

In fact Assisi was encased in fog. We tried to enjoy the city as much as the fog allowed. But it was sad because Assisi can be so picturesque. We did climb up to Rocco Majori. We did visit the basilica of St. Francis. We went inside every church we could find because we couldn't see anything outside but a few feet in front of us. I don't think i have ever been in fog that was this intense. I felt really bad for Amy because I have seen Assisi in the sunlight but her view was not good.

We had a great time nonetheless. And left to return to Rome on the train on Sunday.

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