Thursday, November 29, 2012

On Friday November 23rd, our 27th wedding anniversary, Amy and I traveled to Montepulciano in Tuscany. We left campus on the 8:24 train to Rome to catch the 10:30 train to Chiusi. The train was delayed 2 and a half hours. A nightmare spending all that time wasted in Termini station. But not a thing we could do about it. Once the train did arrive and we could board we found it to be a very nice and comfortable train. The train arrived in Chiusi to intense fog. Our driver to Montepulciano told us not to worry. There was no fog there.  Once we arrived we could understand why. the city is labeled a "hill top town". This is no exaggeration. We were way above the fog.

The pictures below are the view from our hotel room.

We had a wonderful hotel room.

With a spiral staircase up to a crazy little loft above our bed. See below.

We spent the rest of the day exploring the town. We had dinner in a great restaurant which specialized in beef steak. We ordered one for the two of us, 1400 grams, 1.4 kg or about 3#. It was delicious.
After dinnerwe went back to our hotel which had a little jazz club in the lower level. It was great fun.

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