Wednesday, November 14, 2012

But I am getting ahead of myself. On Wednesday November 7 I repeated one of my favorite rituals in Castel Gandolfo. I visited Martina for one her famous porchetta sandwiches.

Danilo, Mike and I took a few students for porchetta lunch. It was as good as I remember. Danilo says they have opened a store in the US in New Jersey, and they will ship a whole porchetta anywhere in the US. I will definitely check this out. Maybe have a porchetta party back home.

You can see from the smiles, everyone enjoyed their porchetta.

In the past, I would often take my porchetta up to the piazza and enjoyed it there. We decided to eat on the patio of the store. But after lunch, Mike and I did climb the rest of the way to the piazza for a beer and some chips. While there I took a few pictures of my favorite city in Italy, Castel Gandolfo.

Amy, I think the third floor walk up in the building to the right is available to buy. See the terrace balcony above. From there we would have a view of the lake and the piazza below.