Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Well, I have to apologize if you are a regular blog reader. I have fallen very far behind in my blogging. I never finished the Venice blog and that was 10 days ago. On Saturday, November 3 we visited the glass factory on murano. Always a fascinating experience. On the way we pass the island cematary of Venice. Below is the master glass blower working on a vase. The other picture is of the cematary as we passed on the ferry.

After visiting Murano, we all went our seperate ways to explore Venice. i headed towards the jewish ghetto area. Below is a picture of a tradition arch in Venice that I passed on my way to the ghetto.

The ghetto itself is very serene. Far from the bustle of St. Mark's square and most tourists. Below are some picture I took inside the ghetto piazza. You might notice synagogues on the top floor in some. nobody wanted to live above a church, so they built the synagogues on the top floor.

While at the ghetto, I visitied the local bakery. Wonderful cakes and cookies. I wanted to buy everybody one of the cookies, but they only had two left. The baker asked if I could return in "dieci minuti", ten minutes. I said sure. And returned for my freshed baked cookies.

Then I decided to wander the opposite side of the grand canal from St. Mark's square. I had never spent any time there before. As always it was great fun, wandering, finding little treasures around each corner. Sometimes taking deadend streets and having to back track. But never really being lost. Below is one of the many clock towers in Venice.

The next picture is a random photo taken in a little piazza I found. I thought it was a great depiction of the Ottoman influence on the architecture of Venice. One notices the shape of the window framing. You can see Turkish, and almost Arabic influences on the design

 Below is just another random view in Venice. Just something I liked.

And after a long day of wandering Venice it was nice and relaxing to sit at a cafe on a busy street and enjoy people watching and an apertivo.

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