Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On Friday afternoon November 9 I explored the village of Riomaggiore and then traveled by train to the adjoining city of Manarola. This last part was disappointing because there is a beautiful path along the sea that connects the two cities. Only a 20 minute walk, less than a mile.However the path was closed due to landslides and I had to take the train. The pictures below were taken from the water front at Riomaggiore.

If you study the picture above, high on the hill to the left is my hotel. Yellow building, green shutters and has a terrace.

The other pictures below are just some random shots as I wandered Riomaggiore.

I was kidding the students about holding class in Riomaggiore. Found these great benches below.

and the picture below is the view from those benches. Hard enough to keep their attention now. Imagine that view in front of them

Once I arrived in Manarola I went down to the waterfront of course. And of course had to climb my way back out of town.

They park their boats right on the street. The top picture is the view towards the marina. The picture directly above is the view from the marina back towards town. And everyone knows the view below. I am not a big olive fan. But I have to say I really enjoyed these little local variety.

Hope everyone enjoys cliff and water pictures. I took a million of them. This is a picture of the next village over, Corniglia. This village is built on an out cropping and has no sea access. From the train station below there are 374 steps up the cliff wall to reach the village of Corniglia. I will wait till tomorrow to explore Corniglia. If I don't want to take the train, this section of the cliff walk is open. Yea. These villages are farther apart, plus 374 steps up. I think I will take the train again.

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