Wednesday, November 28, 2012

On Friday evening, Amy and I had a wonderful dinner just the two of us at a restaurant. The name was the Quatro Leoni or the Four Lions. The dinner was terrific. Thanks for the recommendation and reservation by our good friend Danilo Mori. If you are ever in Florence I highly recommend. Be sure you make reservations. They were packed all night and turned many people away at the door.

On Saturday November 17th we visited the gardens in Florence. They were beautiful. But the cost, 20 euros each for Amy and I. Rome charges nothing to visit Borghese Gardens and it is just as nice. Maybe you can see a pattern to my whining about Florence.

One of the great features of the gardens was the view of the rest of Florence from the high points in the gardens as you can see below.

After the gardens we visited the Uffizi Museum. One of the three best art museums in the world after the Louvre and London. It is too bad we only have two hours there. The university provided us with audio guides. The museum has 84 rooms. After one hour we noticed we were still in room 20. We needed to pick up our pace to see things farther into the museum before our two hours was up.

After the museum we went to see The David. Always an impressive site. But 15 euros each? Yes still whining about the cost of Florence.

On Saturday evening we had a great dinner altogether, us, Danilo and the students.

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