Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I returned to Rome home on Sunday November 11 without any drama. On Monday we had a student led tour of the Aventine Hill area of Rome. I was excited to visit this area because I had spent very little time there in the past. Wasn't even sure what all was there to see. The students did a great job as usual. We visited the Circus Maximus where they held chariot races, but I had been there before. From there we walked towards the river to Santa Maria in Cosmedin. The legend is if you tell a lie while your hand is in the mask, you could have it chopped off.

Thankfully somebody asked me an easy question. All five fingers are still intact. From there we walked over to the pagan temple ruins nearby. The temple of Portunis

and the small circular temple of Hercules.

Next we stopped at the Arch of Janus

And then on to Santa Sabina, the home church of the Dominican order, The best part was the beautiful courtyard or garden with an exceptional view of Rome. We held class in the park as the tour ended.

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