Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On Sunday November 4, we attended mass at St. Mark's cathedral. While this mass is always in Italian, it is a great experience. Although I couldn't understand most of the homily, it was still somehow more moving than many homilies I have experience. After mass, the students all wanted to have lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe in Venice, near St. Mark's. It was at the Hard Rock, when I realized that I left my small bag in the church. If you followed my blog last time, this was like deja vu all over again. Thankfully Danilo accompanied me and was very helpful in retrieving my bag from the sacristy where the ushers had put it for safe keeping. I did not loose my camera again, YEA!

It was starting to rain. And in Venice in November, this means flooding especially is St. Mark's Square. We were all very happy that we came prepared with boots. We were also happy that we didn't need them till the day we were leaving. What a mess. What great confusion the flooding caused. It seemed to catch many visitors totally unprepared. But not me.

I am glad we were leaving before the water rose above the height of my boots. Another excellent adventure in Venice.

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