Tuesday, March 2, 2010

day nine

Today we went into Rome and took a bus to the area known as the Jewish ghetto. I visited the ghetto by myself last Friday, but it was fun to take the students there today. Some of the students asked some excellent questions about the history of the ghetto. I wish Rabbi Spitzler was with us. But, I did tell them what I knew. It was interesting to point out the heavy police presence there because the synagogue and surrounding area are always at risk from Skinheads and other hate groups. We ate lunch there, and it was interesting to taste the influence of Kosher on Italian cuisine or maybe it was the other way around! After lunch we visited the capitol hill. We were going mainly for the museums, but we also had a chance to visit the roof top restaurant and view the panorama of the city. I did manage to climb the 125 stairs of the Aracoeli staircase to visit the Regina Coeli church. Danilo informs me that there is also a prison in Rome called the Regina Coeli prison!

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