Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mondayweek three

I am now labeling my blogs by the week because I lose track of how many days I am in Roma. Today we visited the Laterano area of Rome and the catacombs. I have no new pictures to add. If you want to see the pictures of the Laterano area, they are already posted on my day six or seven when I was in Roma for my free weekend by myself. and we couldn't take any pictures at the catacombs. I really enjoyed the tour of the catacombs. I was half expecting to see skeletons. Not sure why! With all those bodies decomposing down there, it must have smelled something awful. Laterano is a beautiful area to visit and I was happy to go back. And this time I climbed the Sacred Steps. You have to climb the steps (all 28 of them) on your knees saying a Hail Mary with each one. There were a couple of nuns on the steps, and I swear they were saying a whole rosary with every step. At the top of the steps is the chapel of St. Lawrence, also known as the Holy of Holies. I definitely had to go there. I also visited the church, Santa Croce, with the sacred relics of the cross on display. Very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Professor,

    I saw those nuns as well, I admire them for their determination on the steps. I was hurting after 28 Hail Marys, coudn't imagine an entire rosary. Great blog, but you should try to incorporate the readings! haha just kidding

