Tuesday, March 23, 2010

week four pompeii

After our sightseeing day Napoli we took a train to Sorrento. Checked into our hotel and as Danilo would say, "chilled out" for awhile. We had a wonderful dinner in Sorrento and headed back to the hotel exhausted. Woke up refreshed and got back on the train to see Pompeii and more views of Mount Vesuvio. Great weather, wearing shorts and enjoying the warm sun while we had a wonderful tour of the city. It reminded me of Amy and I visiting the island of Santorini in Greece ten years ago. We were reminded that the human forms were plaster casts made by filling spaces in the ash from the volcano that humans had formed. The bodies themselves had decomposed but the space in the ash remained as it hardened around their bodies. These spaces were filled with plaster to recreate the animal and human suffering experienced by the residents of Pompeii.

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