Thursday, March 11, 2010

weekthree wedandthurs

Wednesday was my typical housekeeping day. Three loads of laundry, sweep and scrub the floor, and clean the bathroom. I am thinking about hiring the general maintenance guy Giuseppe to do my room when he does the rest of campus! The weather has turned brutal around here. Cold, wind, rain...etc for a couple of days. Everyone is coughing and sniffling through the tours. We had a great tour of the aquaduct system today. Wonderful explanation of the history and architecture of the aquaducts. When we started the tour it was windy and raining. Five minutes later the sun was out. Talk about Ohio weather changing quickly. Rome weather changes by the minute. Before the tour, a couple of students and I wandered into a new area and found three churches on one corner. They are like fast food restaurants around here. After the tour, I went in search of the Irish Pub in Rome. Success!

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