Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello followers, Wednesday is my off day. That means laundry and housekeeping. Clean my bathroom, sweep and scrub my floor in my room and bathroom. I haven't scrubbed tile on my hands and knees for a long time. See it is not all fun and games in Rome. My soul for a wet jet! I spent the afternoon reading my students' blogs. They are doing a great job of keeping up with their academic work! Some of the students and I walked up to Gandolfo before dinner. They think the climb is getting easier each time they do it. I think they are nuts. It is half mile climb at what seems like a 45 degree angle. I tried to teach the Italian bartender the makings of a vodka gimlet. That was fun.
Today, Thursday was my Comparative Health class. We had a lively discussion about whether people who take better care of themselves should get discounted health care. Then we went into Rome for a guided tour of the Muzeo della Mente, The Museum of the Mind. The museum is in an old psychiatric hospital, similar to our old state hospitals back home. The museum offered a historical look at how we treated mental illness in the past. Very nice museum. Counting the trip into Rome from campus it was an hour and a half to get there and another hour and a half back. But well worth it. and we still had time to spend a couple of hours just wandering around Rome. That's where I took the pictures that are attached.
Tomorrow we leave for Florence, I am psyched. So, no blog till I get back, but should have much to say about Florence.

1 comment:

  1. Another bunch of great pictures still jealous and still miss you!!
