Saturday, March 27, 2010

week five thursday II

I forgot to mention something in my blog yesterday. After the visit to the hospital and lunch, I was heading back to Termini with Danilo. He asked me what I was planning since it wasn't even 2p yet. I didn't have any plans. Danilo says I must visit St. Pietro in Vincory, or St. Peter in chains. He says something about vincory meaning chains, also something about Michelangelo, some quick directions, and off he went to run some errands. The metro stop he recommended is only two stops from Termini so I decide to walk. I find the metro stop I would have taken and found the steps that Danilo said I should climb. Find the church but it is closed until 3P. That is something I still haven't gotten used to. Many things including stores and churches shut down in the early afternoon. I figured I was here and could wait another 45 minutes. Headed down to the cafe for a cold beer and some people watching. Thank goodness all the bars don't close during siesta! I climb back up the steps at a few minutes before three and the little piazza, actually it was quite large for a neighborhood piazza, in front of the church is jammed with people waiting for the church to reopen. I mean jammed. There are teenagers in multiple tour groups. Old people in their tour groups. Families with their little walking guides of Rome in their hands. There were even two concession carts. They always know where the hungry and thirsty people will be. This was unexpected.
Turns out Danilo was right again. Everyone must go to St. Pietro in Vincory. The myth, legend, tradition is that the church houses the chains St. Peter wore in prison before his death. I have a picture attached. The other interesting thing about the church is that it houses Michelangelo's Moses. Not quite sure how or why they rated a Michelangelo, but all the tourists knew it was there. I took pictures with flash, also not usually allowed in churches. Not sure how good they are because my skill at using all the commands on the camera is still weak. But I did manage a very nice picture of a mosaic the Michelangelo did, and a picture of the grim reaper. Enjoy, I know I did.

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