Wednesday, March 31, 2010

week six vatican

The sixth week is our Vatican week. It is also Holy Week, adding a little more flavor to the experience. Many of the students have been awaiting this week since they signed up. I have deliberately avoided the Vatican even during my free time so that it is new and fresh for me as well as the students. Our plan on Monday was to climb the dome, all 521 steps. And then visit the basilica itself. When we arrived they informed us that the dome was closed to visitors today because the pope is visiting the dome himself for some quiet reflection. I wonder if he paid the 7 euros admission charge? Doubt it.
But no problem. We have the whole basilica to explore to our heart's content. And we will be back Tuesday and Wednesday, to climb the dome then. About an hour into our exploration of the basilica, the guys in suits come around telling us to leave. I'm asking them why. It seems the pope now wants to say mass in the basilica. What does he think this is? A church? You would think the guy owned the place or something!
But, we will back tomorrow.

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