Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesdayweek three

Today we were scheduled to visit the Palatine hill, the tallest hill in Roma and the site of the emperors' palaces. The weather was not cooperative. It is cold, colder than Florence, with wind and driving rain with an occasional snow flake mixed in. And of course, we were on the tallest hill with nothing to break the wind. Danilo's umbrella kept getting blown inside out. The students were real troopers about the whole thing. But for the first time in Rome, they ran to catch the train back to campus. I didn't blame the them. And Danilo and I caught the same train without running. There was no hanging around the city today. I also don't have any pictures because I was afraid to take the camera with me in the rain. Didn't know if I would be able to keep it dry. Suppose to be nice by the weekend. We are keeping our fingers crossed for the visit to the aquaducts on Thursday. Thank goodness Wednesday has no planned excursions.

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