Saturday, March 27, 2010

week five thursday

We had a great excursion this morning to one of the major public hospitals in Rome, Santo Spirito. Unfortunately, we couldn't take pictures. But the visit was very educational. Santo Spirito hospital is the longest continuously running hospital in Europe. We received the VIP treatment. We met with the Medical Director of the hospital, the Dean of the school of nursing, and the chief nursing officer gave us a tour. We visited a typical unit and met with a young American college student who was dying to speak English with anyone. We also visited the cardiac ICU and step down units. We also went for a great tour of their labor and delivery department. We had to skip the regular 490 class time on campus, but I don't think I could have explained their system as well as the medical director did. We also had to get up early and catch the 7:05 train, but it was worth it. I think we spent over four hours there. They were great to spend so much time with us. They were clearly very proud of their hospital and the work they do there. Danilo and I owe all of them a great thank you letter.

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