Tuesday, March 23, 2010


On Friday we left campus for Roma and caught a train to Naples. We has some excitement while boarding the train in that a gypsy picked my pocket. Luckily, I discovered the loss of of money before the team of pick pockets were off the train. In fact, they were trapped between Danilo and I. I shouted to Danilo they took my money at the same time that he was warning us about them. He spotted them at the same time they were fleecing me of my money clip. They were good. I had my money in my front pocket and everything. When I shouted to Danilo, one threw my money clip on the floor of the train with all my cash and credit cards still intact. So, everything was recovered and it was another learning experience for me and the students about protecting our cash. We did have a nice and uneventful day sightseeing in Naples. The picture of the bucket was of eels that they were selling at the fisherman's wharf. Some of the students did try and pick up a squid. Others like me were reluctant to do so. Did see a couple of fisherman just eating live raw fish. Danilo said they think the blood of the fish gives them strength. Hey, I'm all for sushi but not when it is still wiggling!

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