Tuesday, March 16, 2010

week four monday

On Monday of the fourth week the students were scheduled to visit the market place Campo de Fiori. This is an open air farmers market in old Rome. I didn't take pictures. After lunch we sent the students on a scavenger hunt through Piazza Navone and Piazza della Rotunda. While they were on the scavenger hunt, Danilo and I got a fruit smoothie and sat and watched the tourists. The piazza is also full of artists, and so we window shopped for art. I am going to wait till my wife comes before I attempt to buy any art work. But, Piazza Navone looks like a great place to start. The picture of the cafes is from there. The other pictures are from Piazza del Popolo which I visited alone after the scavenger hunt. This is the northern entrance or gate to the city. the piazza is huge and I could climb the stairs to the overlook over the piazza.

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